
Wissenschaftliche und weitere Publikationen des Spitals Limmattal oder von Mitarbeitenden des Spitals.

  • Publikationen 2023
  • Publikationen 2022
  • Publikationen 2021
  • Publikationen 2020
  • Publikationen 2019
  • Publikationen 2019

    Revisional Surgery for Insufficient Loss or Regain of Weight After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Biliopancreatic Limb Length Matters.

    Kraljević M, Köstler T, Süsstrunk J, Lazaridis II, Taheri A, Zingg U, Delko T.

    Obesity Surgery. 2019 Dec 20. doi: 10.1007/s11695-019-04348-8. [Epub ahead of print]

    Pain management policies and reported practices in Swiss emergency departments: a national survey.

    Bourgeois M, Carron PN, Ernst S, Exadaktylos A, Guigli Poretti M, Keller D, Meier K, Nickel CH, Rutschmann OT, Sieber R, Steuer S, Tabakovic S, Hugli O.

    Swiss Medical Weekly. 2019 Dec 17;149:w20155. doi: 10.4414/smw.2019.20155. eCollection 2019 Dec 16.

    Impact of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET staging on clinical decision-making in patients with intermediate or high-risk prostate cancer.

    Ferraro DA, Garcia Schüler HI, Muehlematter UJ, Eberli D, Müller J, Müller A, Gablinger R, Kranzbühler H, Omlin A, Kaufmann PA, Hermanns T, Burger IA.

    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2019 Dec 4. doi: 10.1007/s00259-019-04568-1. [Epub ahead of print]

    Ovarielles Myelom

    Karin Camastral (1), Renato Müller(2), Martin Heubner(1) Kantonsspital Baden(1), Limmattalspital(2)

    Frauenheilkunde aktuell 4/19

    24th IFSO World Congress – XXI SECO Congress held in Madrid, Spain, September 3rd-7th, 2019

    Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass versus laparoscopic mini gastric bypass in the treatment of obesity: a randomized controlled trial

    Postoperative Schmerzversorgung. Schmerzscore, Zufriedenheit, pharmakologische und nicht-pharmakologische Behandlung

    Perret J, Soom G, Bolliger M, Stricker C, Schaffert-Witvliet B, Uta Grosse Ch., Koppitz A

    Pflegewissenschaft 9/10-2019 | 21. Jahrgang | hpsmedia, Hungen

    Cytokine Response in the Pleural Fluid and Blood in Minimally Invasive and Open Esophagectomy.

    Delko T, Watson DI, Beck-Schimmer B, Immanuel A, Hussey DJ, Zingg U.

    World Journal of Surgery. 2019 Oct;43(10):2631-2639. doi: 10.1007/s00268-019-05069-w.

    Cytokine Response in the Pleural Fluid and Blood in Minimally Invasive and Open Esophagectomy.

    Delko T, Watson DI, Beck-Schimmer B, Immanuel A, Hussey DJ, Zingg U.

    Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) Mit Frühwarnsystem rechtzeitig Vitalbedrohungen erkennen

    Soom G, Schaffert-Witvliet B, Dübendorfer Ch.

    Krankenpflege Soins infirmiers Cure Infermieristiche 2019 Juni (6)

    Clinical impact of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET on patient management and outcome, including all patients referred for an increase in PSA level during the first year after its clinical introduction.

    Müller J, Ferraro DA, Muehlematter UJ, Garcia Schüler HI, Kedzia S, Eberli D, Guckenberger M, Kroeze SGC, Sulser T, Schmid DM, Omlin A, Müller A, Zilli T, John H, Kranzbuehler H, Kaufmann PA, von Schulthess GK, Burger IA.

    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2019 Apr;46(4):889-900. doi: 10.1007/s00259-018-4203-0. Epub 2018 Nov 28.

    Development and validation of a haematuria cancer risk score to identify patients at risk of harbouring cancer.

    Tan WS, Ahmad A, Feber A, Mostafid H, Cresswell J, Fankhauser CD, Waisbrod S, Hermanns T, Sasieni P, Kelly JD; DETECT I trial collaborators.

    Journal of Internal Medicine. 2019 Apr;285(4):436-445. doi: 10.1111/joim.12868. Epub 2019 Jan 4.

    Mid-term results of minimally invasive deltoid-split versus standard open deltopectoral approach for PHILOS™ (proximal humeral internal locking system) osteosynthesis in proximal humeral fractures.

    Borer J, Schwarz J, Potthast S, Jakob M, Lenzlinger P, Zingg U, Babians A.

    Opioidfreie Anästhesie – Less Is More

    Weiss A.

    Anästhesie-Journal 2019; 2: 22-26

    Mid-term results of minimally invasive deltoid-split versus standard open deltopectoral approach for PHILOS™ (proximal humeral internal locking system) osteosynthesis in proximal humeral fractures.

    Borer J, Schwarz J, Potthast S, Jakob M, Lenzlinger P, Zingg U, Babians A.

    European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2019 Jan 14. doi: 10.1007/s00068-019-01076-7. [Epub ahead of print]

  • Publikationen 2018
  • Publikationen 2018

    Computed tomography as primary postoperative follow-up after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

    Delko T, Mattiello D, Koestler T, Zingg U, Potthast S.

    The surgical safety checklist and patient outcomes after surgery: a prospective observational cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Abbott TEF, Ahmad T, Phull MK, Fowler AJ, Hewson R, Biccard BM, Chew MS, Gillies M, Pearse RM; International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group.

    Giant Symptomatic Rectal Mucocele following Subtotal Colectomy.

    Schneider R, Kraljević M, von Flüe M, Füglistaler I.

    High OX40 expression in recurrent ovarian carcinoma is indicative for response to repeated chemotherapy.

    Ramser M, Eichelberger S, Däster S, Weixler B, Kraljević M, Mechera R, Tampakis A, Delko T, Güth U, Stadlmann S, Terracciano L, Droeser RA, Singer G.

    The impact of preoperative investigations on the management of bariatric patients; results of a cohort of more than 1200 cases.

    Schneider R, Lazaridis I, Kraljević M, Beglinger C, Wölnerhanssen B, Peterli R.

    Over-the-Scope Clips Are More Effective Than Standard Endoscopic Therapy for Patients With Recurrent Bleeding of Peptic Ulcers.

    Schmidt A, Gölder S, Goetz M, Meining A, Lau J, von Delius S, Escher M, Hoffmann A, Wiest R, Messmann H, Kratt T, Walter B, Bettinger D, Caca K.

    Rendezvous endoscopic recanalization for complete esophageal obstruction.

    Fusco S, Kratt T, Gani C, Stueker D, Zips D, Malek NP, Goetz M.

    Prediction of fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated cardiac surgical patients: the performance of seven different functional hemodynamic parameters.

    Ganter MT, Geisen M, Hartnack S, Dzemali O, Hofer CK

    Accuracy, Precision, and Trending of 4 Pulse Wave Analysis Techniques in the Postoperative Period.

    Geisen M, Ganter MT, Hartnack S, Dzemali O, Hofer CK, Zollinger A

    Portable Infrared Pupillometer in Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Prognostic Value and Circadian Rhythm of the Neurological Pupil Index (NPi).

    Natzeder S, Mack DJ, Maissen G, Strässle C, Keller E, Muroi C.

    Lymph node ratio is inferior to pN-stage in predicting outcome in colon cancer patients with high numbers of analyzed lymph nodes.

    Jakob MO, Guller U, Ochsner A, Oertli D, Zuber M, Viehl CT.

    Ventral Striatal Dysfunction and Symptom Expression in Individuals With Schizotypal Personality Traits and Early Psychosis.

    Kirschner M, Hager OM, Muff L, Bischof M, Hartmann-Riemer MN, Kluge A, Habermeyer B, Seifritz E, Tobler PN, Kaiser S.

    Pneumaturie bei invasiv wachsendem Kolonkarzinom.

    Süsstrunk J, Ochsner A, Müller A, Blarer J.

    Screening von Patienten auf Erwachsenennotfallstationen bezüglich Kindswohlgefährdung (SPEK).

    Staubli G, Sager R, Schreen Ch, Eis D, Schmid S, Jud A.

    Changes in Vocal Fold Morphology During Singing Over Two Octaves.

    Unteregger F, Wagner P, Honegger F, Potthast S, Zwicky S, Storck C.

    The Cricothyroid Joint: A Practical Guide for Distinguishing Between Different Joint Types.

    Koch J, Unteregger F, Honegger F, Potthast S, Storck C.

    Computed tomography as primary postoperative follow-up after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

    Unteregger F, Thommen J, Honegger F, Potthast S, Zwicky S, Storck C.

    CT-Urography: Comparison of different methods for increasing the intra-abdominal pressure.

    Hage L, Boll D, Brantner P, Bongartz G, Potthast S.

    Clinical impact of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET on patient management and outcome, including all patients referred for an increase in PSA level during the first year after its clinical introduction.

    Müller J, Ferraro DA, Muehlematter UJ, Garcia Schüler HI, Kedzia S, Eberli D, Guckenberger M, Kroeze SGC, Sulser T, Schmid DM, Omlin A, Müller A, Zilli T, John H, Kranzbuehler H, Kaufmann PA, von Schulthess GK, Burger IA.

    From carcinoma through lymphoma to myeloma: a gastric mass diagnostic rollercoaster ride.

    Schmid MB, Kopfstein L.



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